Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Summer has come and gone...

Even though the heat will hit a sweltering 85-90 today (where was this during our last weeks of August, one might ask) I will remain calm, cool and collected. Why? Because I have a job. Is it the best job in the world? No. Is there such a thing? "Work" is a four-lettered word like all the words I've been shouting at the crazy New York drivers who won't let me get home at the end of the day.

One of the most interesting things about my new job (besides the fact that the school is in the Stone Age) is the commute. I live 9 miles from my job. 9 miles. That's it. Do you know how long it takes me to get home every day? Anywhere from 1 to 2 hours with an average of 1.5 hrs. After dealing with pre-pubescent and newly pubescent 7th and 8th graders, the other drivers are lucky that I keep my windows up.

So, back to the Stone Age-ness of the school... The former principal left about a week or so before school started so the new principal had been on the job for 2 days when I was hired. Yep. 2 days. So, there seemed to be nothing prepared for opening day. Remembering all the complaining we did at VHS over the paperwork, I almost weep. I'd love to have a checklist. The problem with NYC schools is that the right hand doesn't know what it's own pinky is doing, much less what the left hand has got planned. Using bubble sheets for attendance. BUBBLE SHEETS. Is there a more INEFFICIENT use of a teacher's time than BUBBLE SHEETS? It's like a freaking SAT exam every period. And for those of us with hyper-active sweat glands... well, you get the picture.

So, I am thankful I have a job. I am wistful for VHS, especially the sisters-of-my-heart. And I sing in my head the great Cathedrals' classic, "If I can just hold on till tomorrow/If I can just hold on till tomorrow/If I can just hold on till tomorrow/I know the Lord's gonna bring a better day."