Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This is fun Miss!

Words I never thought I'd hear a student from this school say... after all of the grief they've been giving me: the book fights, the paper balls, not doing homework, being openly defiant and disrespectful.... I never thought I'd hear one of the most formerly obnoxious kids say that he was actually enjoying doing something in my class. I almost fell over... the special ed teacher was in the room at the time so I was able to get confirmation that my ears hadn't deceived me.... Wow... of course, when I asked him to repeat it he just started laughing... but what a moment. Almost makes the agony of my pratically-permanently tense shoulders worthwhile. :) And he was so in to the topic... started educating other students about proper etiquette for interviews... it was great. I couldn't believe it. Teaching... when you get those days... those moments... they're amazing.