Tuesday, April 7, 2009

If I can just hold on...

Until tomorrow, then I've got a week off!! I'm a little jealous that I'm not sharing the same time off with my friends, but it's all good. I can get through it! I'm into poetry now with the kids and those of you who've taught with me know how much I love poetry!! :) I'm hoping to get some nice work out of the kids. Don't forget, April 30 (Dr. Mom's birthday!) is Poem in Your Pocket Day. Http://www.poets.org has some great stuff for PIYP.

I'm looking forward to seeing friends and enculturating myself with some museums or exhibits. I'm feeling the need to garden (maybe it's genetic... I do have a blue-ribbon-winning gardener for a Grandmother), but can't do it while we're trying to get the house ready to sell. Yes, irony has reared its ugly head and is smacking me in the face. Hehehe.

I'm not looking forward to it, but I know I'll be doing it: Spring cleaning. Gotta get rid of clothes and books. I AM looking forward to getting rid of the stuff that doesn't fit because it's TOO BIG!! :) And then the great shred-out... What gets shredded, what gets recycled... Wish I was creative and could make things out of no-longer necessary paper. I'm also looking forward to opening the windows... although I could do without the critters!! It's definitely spider season!! EEP!

So, there's my ramble... Hope this finds y'all well and enjoying another beautiful day.